23 July 2013

Ubuntu Edge

It's finally here: The Ubuntu Phone!
Well, almost...
Canonical anounced yesterday the Indiegogo campaign to fund the "commercial testbed for cutting-edge technologies" in the mobile industry: the production of the Ubuntu edge.
Initial funders could buy an ubuntu edge for $600, but limited to the first day and to 5000 funders. This first goal was reached rather quickly and now the phone costs $830. While the initial surge for the $600 edge suggested a rather high funding end-point, the pace has significantly slowed down after the first 5000 phones were sold. Let's hope the $32.000.000 can be reached in the 30 days period...
Update: Meanwhile Canonical offered several new reduced perks. While the "double edge" did not have a huge effect, the even newer and limited perks can be seen very clearly as different gradients in the funding curve.
Update2: Canonical has now also started the T-Shirt perk for $50. You can see the funding jump by zooming into 2013-07-30 11:30 UTC.
Below is a graph of the funding process. The trending line uses the last couple of datapoints to extrapolate (via a simple linear regression). Do not take this too seriously, since the typical behaviour of crowd-funding campaigns follows more complicated rules than a simple linear trend.
  • Interaction: click-and-drag to pan, use the mousewheel to zoom, mouseover for a tooltip
  • Updates: automatically updated every 3minutes

And since we all love graphs, here is one with the growth per hour...(sorry for the 1h data-gap, the bar surrounded by gaps is actually the sum of two hours):

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